

DATE: Sept 18, 2018

SHOP LuxxeJewelry

HOST: CunninglyCrafted

Check out this thread and join us for the fun!

What's all this? Read our About Us page to find out!


We will only be doing one shop a week or longer depending on Andrea's schedule!

So it should be easier to give the one shop more love and attention! The SNEAK thread will be left up all week.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Meet Maria

Maria from MsBittyKnacks is hosting our sneak attack today at 11am. A hostess who loves Saturday morning sneak attacks, Maria always finds unique new etsy shops to surprise.

And she makes the cutest creations - Maria says:

I've always looked for ways to animate any mode of creativity, as far back as I can remember. I was always making a little something either for a loved one or as a decoration. This behavior was always reinforced, encouraged and shared by my mother. 

I love her creativity and her use of mixed media in her designs. My favorite? I love Maria's tote bags - I love to collect tote bags and try to figure out who should be the owner. My latest one from Maria's shop, has my name all over it!

Whether you like tote bags too, or whimsical and adorable figures - you will enjoy browsing thru Maria's shop.

And come join us in our sneak attack thread - try to figure out who the 'victims' will be today.