

DATE: Sept 18, 2018

SHOP LuxxeJewelry

HOST: CunninglyCrafted

Check out this thread and join us for the fun!

What's all this? Read our About Us page to find out!


We will only be doing one shop a week or longer depending on Andrea's schedule!

So it should be easier to give the one shop more love and attention! The SNEAK thread will be left up all week.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Meet Kathleen

Kathleen from ArdentlyCrafted,  is hosting our Sneak Attack today at 2pm.

Just in time for Valentine's day - isn't he adorable?

Here's another one for Valentine's day - for those of you who are fans of Dr Who

Oh, I could go on and on - as I love them all! Be sure to check out the other adorable movable paper dolls that Kathleen creates - something for everyone.

And join us in our Sneak Attack thread for lots of fun! Lots of clues and and 'victims'.


  1. Kathleen's work is amazing! Very unique and so much detail...
    Nice write-up, Sandi :)

  2. I just love Kathleen's card they are amazing!!
