

DATE: Sept 18, 2018

SHOP LuxxeJewelry

HOST: CunninglyCrafted

Check out this thread and join us for the fun!

What's all this? Read our About Us page to find out!


We will only be doing one shop a week or longer depending on Andrea's schedule!

So it should be easier to give the one shop more love and attention! The SNEAK thread will be left up all week.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Meet Debbie

Debbie from BumperStickersNMore is hosting our sneak attack today at 1pm.  Debbie doesn't get the chance to host very often, so we are always glad to see her, and the wonderful shops she has picked for today.

I asked Debbie if she has ever visited some of the locations of the bumper stickers she has in her shop. She told me...

I have been to Cypress Gardens, when I was 16 with my family on vacation and have very nice slides from there, it was beautiful. I remember the southern belles all dressed up and sitting in the beautiful garden areas. I also went to the Alligator Farm, I think that one is still there but Cypress Gardens is gone.

Those bumper stickers are a great way to relive or remember a favorite vacation spot!

Here are some that Debbie has in her shop.

Of course, not all of the bumperstickers are for vacation locations. Here are a couple that are still important today!

Lots more to choose from - be sure to visit Debbie's shop.

And come join us in our sneak attack thread,  Debbie has 5 shops she will be introducing us to - check out the great clues!!


  1. I love all the unique items Debbie has in her shop!!

  2. It's always fun to visit Debbie's shop! (◕‿◕)
    Thanks for the write-up, Sandi♡
