I mentioned a while ago that Debbie found a lot of her items in the upstairs attic of an old barn/workshop on a property she purchased a few years ago. I asked Debbie to go into a little more detail - as her finds are wonderful.
An interesting thing about the things I sell in this shop is that most were found in the attic. The man who owned the property before me (Mr. Powell) was a teacher and he kept all sorts of things from school lessons and tests and books, very interesting things that I haven't listed yet too. Although, we have the last name we weren't related. I heard he was a very beloved teacher and quite a character, he used to sell the items at flea markets and such, I often wonder what he would think about them being in an online flea market today. I think he would be happy people still enjoy them.
Some of the interesting and USA items -
Be sure to check out Debbie's shop for a variety of items she found in the attic!
And come join us in our sneak attack thread - for lots of fun!
Debbie has some cool items!!